sassa facial recognition software
The agency leaps into the 21st century with SASSA facial recognition software to police grant referrals. Image Pixabay

Home » Spam Alert: SASSA doesn’t give out any loans or credit

Spam Alert: SASSA doesn’t give out any loans or credit

The agency warns that are a variety of scammers scamming people in the name of SASSA, and SASSA says you should be very careful when signing up for any loan.

sassa facial recognition software
The agency leaps into the 21st century with SASSA facial recognition software to police grant referrals. Image Pixabay

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is in charge of issuing South African social grants. It includes grants like the Disability Grant, Childcare (Child) and Foster Grant, and Veteran’s Grant.

Have you been offered a social grant loan?

The agency warns that SASSA loans are a scam! Social grant loans don’t exist, and anyone who claims they do is trying to scam you.

Here’s the important information.


The social grant agency emphasised that they don’t give out loans.

SASSA exists for grant payments alone, while overseen by the Department of Social Development.

All advertised SASSA loans are scams.

Loan sharks will try to take your social grant, claiming that it’s a social grant loan. Illegal lenders use illegal techniques, and you should avoid going to these lenders.


Social grant ‘loans’ are all scams, says the national agency.

Advertisements giving out ‘grant loans’ only leads to illegal lenders. These aren’t real grant agency ads, whether seen on social media or the internet.

Report ‘grant loans’ advertisements when you see them.

Yes, they are illegal! Loan sharks take advantage of people who need help, where real assistance exists.

You cannot get a social grant ‘loan’ in South Africa.

The National Credit Regulator lets visitors check loans companies against the national database. Not sure about a loans company? Check the NCR’s page.

Legal lenders must have a registered number. This number must agree with the database, or their information is fake!

Always check before you apply for loans.


Contact the grant agency for questions about social grants. Apply for a grant at your nearest regional grant office. Applying is your right.

Reach them via e-mail at

Queries get a reference number.