What does R100 get you at the grocery store? Image: File

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1995 vs 2025: A comparison of grocery prices 30 years apart

How expensive are groceries in 2025 vs 1995? Here’s a look at what the cost of basic items looked like then and now…

28-01-25 06:35
What does R100 get you at the grocery store? Image: File

What’s R100 worth now?

Nowadays, R100 doesn’t buy much in terms of groceries.

According to Business Tech, inflation has skyrocketed by almost 414% since 1995, with Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) calculating that the equivalent buying power of R100 in 1995 and 2025 varying significantly.

To calculate 2025’s value of R100 after inflation, you’d have to multiply R100 by the CPI of 2025 divided by the CPI of 1995.

This calculation indicates that R100 in 1995 would be roughly equivalent to R513.72 in 2025, representing an inflation figure of 413.7% over the past 30 years or 5.8% annually.

What groceries cost in 1995 and 2025

With data from StatsSABusiness Tech tabled the price of certain groceries in 1995 compared to the same or similar products today.

Prices from four of South Africa’s major retailers, inlcuding Woolworths, Checkers, Pick n Pay and Spar, were used to reach an average cost figure.

Take a look:

ItemThe average cost in 1995The average cost in 2025% difference
White bread (700g)R2.14R18.99787%
2-litre milkR4.83R34.99624%
Lamb chops (per kg)R20.95R199.99855%
Chicken fillet (per kg)R10.09R69.99594%
Apples (per kg)R4.12R34.99749%
Coca Cola (1L)R2.68R18.99609%
Eggs (6-pack)R2.12R22.99989%
Toothpaste (100ml)R4.02R19.99397%
toilet paper (4-pack)R6.09R34.99475%
2kg white riceR5.73R37.99563%
Kellogg’s cornflakes (500g)R7.89R54.99597%
Cheese (per kg)R22.50/kgR179.35/kg697%