Goldfish: Freshwater Fish vs. Saltwater Fish Pets
Fish pets. Picture: File/Fotor.

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Can I feed my goldfish crackers?

If you own a pet goldfish, you probably enjoy feeding it. While cracker crumbs may seem like a natural snack due to their easy availability and floating ability like fish flakes, they aren’t the best choice. Goldfish can’t digest salty, starchy foods well, so it’s better to opt for a less processed snack. Feeding crackers won’t […]

27-07-23 11:53
Goldfish: Freshwater Fish vs. Saltwater Fish Pets
Fish pets. Picture: File/Fotor.

If you own a pet goldfish, you probably enjoy feeding it.

While cracker crumbs may seem like a natural snack due to their easy availability and floating ability like fish flakes, they aren’t the best choice.

Goldfish can’t digest salty, starchy foods well, so it’s better to opt for a less processed snack.

Feeding crackers won’t poison your goldfish, but it may cause serious constipation.

Here’s a fun fact, goldfish don’t have stomachs like we do.

For us, food spends time in our stomachs to break down before entering the digestive tract, aiding in the digestion of complex foods.

Goldfish, however, have a single long digestive tract and get nutrition as food passes through.

They can’t digest everything humans can.

ALSO READ: What should you feed your goldfish?

Due to their unique digestive system, many human foods aren’t suitable for goldfish.

Crackers, for example, are likely to pass through without providing any nutrition.

In unfortunate cases, waterlogged crackers might swell and cause constipation.

ALSO READ: What are common mistakes to avoid as a goldfish keeper?


Even if crackers pass through, they don’t provide the right nutrition for your fish.

Goldfish need vegetable foods high in fiber and vitamins, not processed grains like crackers.

They also require protein sources, usually found in insects in the wild.

Processed fish foods aim to imitate this healthier, omnivorous diet.

Improper feeding, diet, or portion sizes can lead to many goldfish deaths, but this is preventable through proper education.