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Chicken Ruby

My name is Suzanne, I am a British expat, aged 43 andmother to 5 children aged 15, 19, 22, 25 & 26 who all live in the UK. I moved to Pretoria, South Africa with my husband’s job in January 2011 and our 2 youngest children. The elder child completed his Matric here and returned to the UK in January 2014, the youngest returned to boarding school in August 2013 due to education difficulties. I’ve spent nearly 4 years adapting to being a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom), now a SAH and was formally a child welfare worker and a special needs lecturer and trainer. I work full time as a volunteer raising funds for education and awareness of disabilities. I also train ELC teachers in townships. I blog about life as an expat, raising teenagers, travel and volunteering - www.chickenruby.com/