Home ยป The World Cup – What’s in it for South Africa?

The World Cup – What’s in it for South Africa?

Hmmmm. Zakumi, the World Cup mascot, is meant to be a South African leopard…but is (of course) made in China. And it turns out all official World Cup merchandise is being produced overseas. Which has of course upset local South African businesses who are losing out on billions of rands worth of potential profits that […]

27-05-10 14:36

Hmmmm. Zakumi, the World Cup mascot, is meant to be a South African leopard…but is (of course) made in China. And it turns out all official World Cup merchandise is being produced overseas. Which has of course upset local South African businesses who are losing out on billions of rands worth of potential profits that they felt should come with hosting a World Cup. So naturally, the Trade Unions are a little upset…


Tags: World Cup