Fikile Mbalula anc coalition team
Fikile Mbalula. Image: Screenshot from video.

Home » Mbalula says post-matric qualifications a key requirement to be an MP

Mbalula says post-matric qualifications a key requirement to be an MP

ANC members who do not meet the minimum requirement of a post-matric qualification might be disqualified to serve as Members of Parliament.

06-03-24 11:50
Fikile Mbalula anc coalition team
Fikile Mbalula. Image: Screenshot from video.

ANC members who do not meet the minimum requirement of a post-matric qualification might be disqualified to serve as Members of Parliament (MP) in the future, says secretary-general Fikile Mbalula. He noted that qualifications were a key consideration in the selection criteria.

“This time, the bar has been set higher in that qualifications are a key consideration in the criteria. You can have matric, but it must count for other things and that you have improved yourself beyond matric to get a qualification,” Mbalula said.


According to The Citizen, Mbalula said the ruling party had yet to decide whether some high-profile ANC members, such as former Health Minister Zweli Mkhize, would be prohibited from being selected as candidates for Parliament.

“We will be in a position to give you a record of those individuals. At the present moment, let us not speculate. If anyone is on the list, there is a reason why that person is left on the list,” he said. Mbalula said the list of eligible candidates will be submitted before Friday.


“That process would have looked at screening, integrity issues, and performance because, in all of this, we need continuity. The performance of those allowed to serve will be looked into,” he said. Mbalula said the selection process would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

“[Some] people don’t have matric necessarily, but they do have a qualification by prior learning, and as a result, they went on to study and get degrees,” said Mbalula.

“Others don’t have qualifications [and] we will cross that [bridge] when we get there, but the majority of people, if you peruse the ANC list, have got qualifications to serve in the legislatures.

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