Interview with Sibongile Mondalamo
An sapeople interview with member Sibongile Greetar Mondalamo (23): So where do you live? Mafikeng Where do you wish you lived? Pretoria Proudest achievement? When i was awarded the best academic performance student in high school for 3 years; and also obtaining my degree in Bcom Operations Research. Your most useful character trait? My creativity […]

An sapeople interview with member Sibongile Greetar Mondalamo (23):
So where do you live?
Where do you wish you lived?
Proudest achievement?
When i was awarded the best academic performance student in high school for 3 years; and also obtaining my degree in Bcom Operations Research.
Your most useful character trait?
My creativity in entertainment and friendly character
Most interesting person you’ve met (or know)?
My pastor Josephine Llale – she’s one wise and the strongest woman I have ever met.
Biggest regret?
Losing my virginity before marriage
Dreams for your future?
I always see myself being a member of parliament.
Most useful bit of advice you ever got?
Youth must seek God so that their desires and purpose in life may be fulfilled; and have reverence for the Lord then everything will fall into the right place.
Had a life-changing moment? Tell us about it…
When I decided to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, my life changed drastically.
What’s the biggest thing you learnt from that experience?
I have learned that one cannot serve two masters, you either obey one and despise the other.
Favourite school teacher?
Please finish the sentences:
South Africans are so…
South Africa helped make me…
what I am today with a divisified languages and races.
I wish South Africans wouldn’t…
have a high rate of crime and the pandemic Hiv/AIDS killing millions of innocent children.
I love being South African because…
It there is no war, volcano, earthquakes and other natural disasters killing people in other countries, we are so blessed.
Anything extra you wanted to add?
I love meeting new people, making new friends and sharing the gospel