Source: Facebook of SanWild Rhino Sanctuary.

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“Lock Up Your Rhinos”

I spoke to a number of people today about the rhino poaching situation and the unconfirmed report that 32 animals died in just 14 days. I do believe this number could be very close to the truth, but what really made me stop in my tracks is that someone that had just visited the user […]

Source: Facebook of SanWild Rhino Sanctuary.

I spoke to a number of people today about the rhino poaching situation and the unconfirmed report that 32 animals died in just 14 days.

I do believe this number could be very close to the truth, but what really made me stop in my tracks is that someone that had just visited the user countries to do extensive research had this to say simple and loud: “Lock up your rhinos as they will be coming for them all”.

Never before has it been put to me in such a genuine sentence – so simple for each and everyone to understand. There is no other way on the short-term.


As I look at the situation around me and what is currently being done to help save rhinos I would like to stick out my head and say the following. Despite all the brave and gallant and brave efforts of the rangers in the large parks like the Kruger that are doing a sterling job, they will inevitably lose all their rhinos – there is no doubt in my mind about this and it will happen a lot sooner than we think. Rhinos in the wild I believe have as little as six years; or maybe even five before they will all be dead.

The ultimate fate of rhinos will be determined on private land, nowhere else. If rhinos are lifted to CITES 1 it is also highly unlikely that any rhinos can be moved out of the country and maybe this is the very reason why so many, especially young animals, are moved across the world to countries such as Vietnam and China. They are preparing themselves for the day the last rhino in this country falls.

Extinction remains the very objective of the criminals that drive this slaughter and they are laughing at the world knowing that none of the current so-called solutions will stop them. It is only a bullet that will and can stop them on the short-term.

Photos: SanWild Rhino Sanctuary Facebook page.

We may or may not open trade, but I also do believe this decision has already been made and no anti-trade argument will stop it. Legally or illegally the trade is going to happen. It is already happening.

The bottom line for me personally is that even if trade is opened it will not stop poaching. Neither will it be preventing the ongoing illegal trade and poaching. The market and demand is so huge that I believe the only way we are going to save some animals will be to lock them up behind secure fences with close protection operatives to put themselves between rhinos and poachers.

I also do believe that the public at large remains in denial and really do not actually understand the seriousness of the crisis facing these poor animals. I believe most people trust that someone else will solve the problem and the reality is it is not going to happen either.

I am truly at a loss for what to say to you. We know how to protect these animals, but it seems impossible to find funding to do what needs to be done. So tonight I will mourn the rhinos that have died because people remain ignorant and unwilling to get involved but tomorrow I guess we will have to pick up the banner once again and try.

What else can we do …………………..very few people seem to care.

Louise Joubert is the founder of the SanWild Rhino Sanctuary. To offer support or donations, go to the website or Facebook page.