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Home » SA Artists Shine at Joburg Gallery’s New London Outpost

SA Artists Shine at Joburg Gallery’s New London Outpost

If you’re in London, try get to the new Circa Gallery by the weekend to see the brilliant opening show full of South African artists that are increasingly drawing world attention. The successful Circa Gallery of Johannesburg, started in 2009 as a sister gallery to esteemed Everard Read, opened in March with an exhibition full […]

If you’re in London, try get to the new Circa Gallery by the weekend to see the brilliant opening show full of South African artists that are increasingly drawing world attention.

circa gallery
Male Trans-Figure XVI, Dylan Lewis.

The successful Circa Gallery of Johannesburg, started in 2009 as a sister gallery to esteemed Everard Read, opened in March with an exhibition full of brilliant established artists like Deborah Bell, Phillemon Hlungwani, Dylan Lewis, John Meyer, Caryn Scrimgeour, Lionel Smit and Angus Taylor, as well as those beginning to make their mark, including Nelson Makamo, Colbert Mashile and Nigel Mullins.

circa hlungwani
Va Vasati Tirhweni (Women at Work), Phillemon Hlungwani.

The London venue, at 80 Fulham Road, Chelsea, is a collaboration between Everard Read and John Martin GalleryLondon. It will present work of artists from around the world, including “a core of artists living and working in South Africa – a vibrant and innovative art-making community that is increasingly attracting the attention of international collectors”.

The opening show closes on 23 April.


Tags: Art