Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)?
KFM asks: Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)? Photo: TikTok screenshot

Home » Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)? – WATCH

Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)? – WATCH

The guys at KFM have discovered a word that may just sum up the South African government more than most! Kakistocracy. It’s a real word apparently, of Greek origin, meaning “a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens”. The word is derived from the Greek kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule) with […]

08-06-23 17:40
Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)?
KFM asks: Is the South African government a kakistocracy (real word!)? Photo: TikTok screenshot

The guys at KFM have discovered a word that may just sum up the South African government more than most! Kakistocracy. It’s a real word apparently, of Greek origin, meaning “a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens”.

The word is derived from the Greek kakistos (worst) and kratos (rule) with the Merriam-Webster dictionary defining it as “government by the worst people”. KFM took it one step further by joking: What do you call a parliament full of these people? “A kakhuis!”

There have been debates on Wikipedia on whether to delete the ‘kakistocracy’ page… but enough people have argued that the word is useful. The earliest noted use of the word is in the 17th century, and in recent times it has been used most famously to describe George Bush and Donald Trump’s governments… and now President Ramphosa’s with KFM asking on TikTok: “Does this word fit the South African government?” Watch below:


Its a kakistocracy! Does this word fit the South African government? #kfmmornings #kfm #southafrica #southafricangovernment #tiktoksouthafrica

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