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Home » Cape Town animal clinic staff beaten at gunpoint

Cape Town animal clinic staff beaten at gunpoint

Staff are heartbroken. If you live abroad, pls consider helping after the attack and robbery…

12-10-23 10:17
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How you can help homeless pets. Photo: Pixabay

Staff at an animal clinic in Cape Town have been shaken to the core after being brutally attacked whilst trying to do good in the community.

The Mdzananda Animal Clinic, in Khaletisha, recently launched ‘The Fencing Project’ to build fences around local yards, to help create more safe homes for people who wish to adopt dogs.

“A secure yard is a prerequisite for adoption,” says Marcelle du Plessis, Fundraising and Communications Executive. “There are many great families in the community who wish to adopt dogs but who don’t have fenced yards – now we are helping their adoption dream come true.”

Yesterday afternoon, while building the first fence of the programme for a dog named Speedy, four staff were held up at gunpoint and mercilessly attacked. Mthobeli Mgumane, Tabo Noko, Magcinandile Mzondi and Lynton Adams were the victims. 

Their generator, tools, wallets, cellphones and car keys were stolen. Magcinandile got beaten over the head with a gun and then a hammer and Tabo got beaten on the back with a hammer. Both were rushed to the hospital’s emergency room. The other two staff were luckily unharmed but are extremely shaken. 

“Magcinandile has suffered a haematoma and needed stitches on his head. Tabo has multiple contusions to his back,” says Sr Heidi May, General Manager. “I am so angry. We work so hard for this community to elevate and empower people and to make the lives of animals better. It is sad how the criminal element affects the good people of Khayelitsha who want to have a normal safe environment for their families and their pets.”

“I am absolutely heartbroken,” adds Marcelle. “This fencing project would change so many lives, creating homes for pets, but now we are scared to continue building them.”

The clinic has called for donations to help cover the costs of replacing the generator, tools, car keys, personal items and to pay for medical bills. (If you live abroad please consider donating – a few pounds or dollars can go a long way for Mdzananda.) Any donations can be made to Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, Account 075595710, Branch 025009, Savings Account, Reference: robbery + your name. 

Other donation portals and SnapScan codes are available on https://www.mdzananda.co.za/donate-ctzx