
Home ยป Car Smashed during Buffalo Stampede in South Africa’s Kruger Park

Car Smashed during Buffalo Stampede in South Africa’s Kruger Park

Kruger National Park have uploaded a video in which a tourist’s car is smashed into by stampeding buffalo. The Park said: “This amazing sighting happened along the main road from Satara to Olifants Camps in the Kruger Park. “A herd of Cape Buffalo approached a waterhole when suddenly they stampeded in the opposite direction and […]

13-05-16 17:54

Kruger National Park have uploaded a video in which a tourist’s car is smashed into by stampeding buffalo.

The Park said: “This amazing sighting happened along the main road from Satara to Olifants Camps in the Kruger Park.

“A herd of Cape Buffalo approached a waterhole when suddenly they stampeded in the opposite direction and crashed into a white sedan nearby (almost tipping it over).”

The Kruger Park said that “most probably there were lions near the waterhole which spooked the buffalo, causing them to crash into the white sedan vehicle” and cautioned visitors to the park to “always be patient around animals”.

The incident occurred on 1 May 2016 although Kruger Park only uploaded it today.

WATCH VIDEO: Car gets smashed in Buffalo Stampede!
