Home » Durban’s swell sure is swell – Photos!

Durban’s swell sure is swell – Photos!

Photographer Nic Aberdein captured these awesome photos during the recent swell in Durban. Experienced local big wave charger Ricky Basnett welcomed the conditions… Grant Twiggy Baker cashed in on every surfer’s perfect dream… Durban charger Murray Holland was on a nugget! Morning view of another perfect day in Surf city… Wave selection was vital! Not all the […]

Photographer Nic Aberdein captured these awesome photos during the recent swell in Durban.

Durban swell

Experienced local big wave charger Ricky Basnett welcomed the conditions…

Experienced local big wave charger Ricky Basnett welcomed the conditions...

Grant Twiggy Baker cashed in on every surfer’s perfect dream…

Grant Twiggy Baker cashing in on every surfers perfect dream

Durban charger Murray Holland was on a nugget!

Durban charger Murray Holland on a nugget

Morning view of another perfect day in Surf city…

Morning view of another perfect day in Surf city

Wave selection was vital!

Wave selection was vital

Not all the waves delivered perfect form, it was a roll of the dice.

Not all the waves delivered perfect form, it was a roll of the dice.

There were high washing tides as the swell continued to grow.

There were high washing tides as the swell continued to grow.

The jump off view, big sets and big waits…

The jump off view, big sets and big waits...

But worth the wait for some – Brett Pengelly was on form.

Brett Pengelly on form

View more of Nic Aberdein’s’s photos at: www.facebook.com/NicAberdeinPhotography

You can also check out a double surfski riding a giant wave caused by the low tide and large swell. The paddleskiers were able to ride the wave for about 1 km from legendary spot The Mound to the shore.