I’m going to London to meet the…Lord Mayor! Interview with South African 8-year-old.
Eight-year-old Kenya Grace Richards moved to London two years ago, and has already been the guest at a party hosted by the Mayor of London! On Saturday afternoon she donned her prettiest frock to attend the Lord Mayor’s Annual Children’s Party at Mansion House in London. The fancy dress party is hosted annually in […]

Eight-year-old Kenya Grace Richards moved to London two years ago, and has already been the guest at a party hosted by the Mayor of London! On Saturday afternoon she donned her prettiest frock to attend the Lord Mayor’s Annual Children’s Party at Mansion House in London.

The fancy dress party is hosted annually in goodwill for 300 children who are nominated from a wide range of areas including schools, the Armed Forces and the Mayors of the London Boroughs.
It’s a tradition that has been in place for over 100 years, and always includes entertainers, games and tea. Kenya was invited along with her friend Lucia for an event she’ll never forget. (See her interview below.)
Kenya and her mom Kym (dragging Kym’s parents along too) moved to London at the end of 2011.
“I have spent many happy times here throughout my life and I love the history, arts and culture, and so much more….even the weather!! (Call me crazy!) When the opportunity arose, I jumped at the adventure, even though it was very hard to leave my beloved South Africa,” says Kym, formerly co-owner of Johannesburg youth dance and talent company “The Hot House” with her mother Gale.
Now in London, Kym teaches Dance in schools and Pilates in various “quaint” venues, including “The Landmark Arts Centre” (a large deconsecrated church). She is also “lucky enough to train the Great Britain under 25 canoe-guys, on a beautiful island in the Thames..a real treat!!”
South Africa…love in action!
Kenya came into Kym’s life when Kenya was just three-months-old.
“Her story is very beautiful and spiritual and I shall send it to SAPeople one day when I have written it!!!,” says Kym. ” The day the adoption went through and I received the document stating that in every way she was now regarded as my birth child, was indescribably special!”

“When I became the mother of this gorgeous little baby, overnight…….the outpouring of love was something that touched me truly deeply……people came from everywhere….a cot, pram, pushchair, entire wardrobe of clothes, bottles, a walking ring, oh my goodness I could go on for hours……..was all given to us. From my hairdresser to the security guards at our complex, regardless of race, everyone celebrated the fact that my daughter and I had been united! South Africa…love in action!! Nothing like it!!
We asked Kenya about her move to London, and her special outing with the Lord Mayor:
1. What do you love most about living in London?

I love scooting along the pavement to school, cycling in Bushy and Richmond Parks and playing in the snow…oh and also riding in the front of the double-decker bus!
2. How is your new school different to your one in SA?
School only starts at 8.50 am and ends at 3.20pm with extra-murals ending at 4.30 or 5.00pm. It’s a long day. We eat our lunch in a dining room. We have swimming lessons included in the school day. We are not allowed to run around barefoot.
3. What bugs you about living in London?
I miss our swimming pool! We have to go to the public pool and, when it’s cold, we have to swim indoors. Also going to the movies is expensive. My mom takes me to the Kids Specials, but those are not the latest!
4. What foods do you miss the most from South Africa?
FLINGS!!!! Only Flings. (Ha ha…..no biltong or boerie….we are pescetarian!)
5. Have you taught your London friends any South African words?
My friends call each other “dof” ….they think it’s hilarious. They can’t say it properly though….they say “doff”. I have taught them to say “just now”, like “I’ll see you just now, ok?”
6. What was the most fun about going to the children’s party?
The most fun was when we ALL did the Conga with the Lord Mayor (and the Hokey-Cokey!!) We also got to meet all sorts of animals, like a baby meerkat and a bat, we got huge, patterned balloons that fell from the ceiling and we had the best tea EVER! I also loved the Punch and Judy show!

7. Did the Lord Mayor (Fiona Woolf) say anything interesting to you?
She talked to us all together, but she did give me a special smile.

8. And did you dance with her?
We all danced together during the games. She did quite well for someone who’s about 68!

Kenya’s next dream is to meet One Direction and Perry from Ashley Banjo’s dance crew Diversity. As a passionate dancer and singer – who recently received a guitar from Santa – Kenya dreams of being like Adele when she grows up.
Maybe one day she’ll be invited to the Palace to sing for Prince George!