Melanie Walker – featured blogger in Johannesburg
interviewed by Jenni Baxter Melanie Walker is sapeople’s featured blogger in Johannesuburg. She also has a ‘few’ other jobs – which include writing for SA Garden and Home, presenting a gardening show, “Grounded” on 1485 am Radio Today; scriptwriting and researching for a couple of shows on DSTV (including Studio 53 – lifestyle and entertainment […]

interviewed by Jenni Baxter
Melanie Walker is sapeople’s featured blogger in Johannesuburg. She also has a ‘few’ other jobs – which include writing for SA Garden and Home, presenting a gardening show, “Grounded” on 1485 am Radio Today; scriptwriting and researching for a couple of shows on DSTV (including Studio 53 – lifestyle and entertainment show that goes out on M-Net Africa); scriptwriting and doing voice-overs for Bike SA Tv; organising the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge Experience; teaching on Show Garden Design at Lifestyle College…and, phew, taking care of her family!
1. Proudest Achievement to Date?

Giving birth to my twins at 40! Other than that, hanging from the skids of a helicopter over a 1000ft drop without any safety equipment – proud cos I’m scared of heights….
2. So why do you live in Johannesburg?
Love my house! Grew up in it….
3. Best two things about Johannesburg?
i) Over the festive season – when everyone’s gone on holiday – the streets are a pleasure to drive on, the shops aren’t hectic, and the weather is absolutely fantastic!
ii) The afternoon thunderstorms.
4. Worst two things about JHB?
i) The People
ii) The way they drive.
5. If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?
Probably Barcelona, or somewhere between there and Perpignan, or Mauritius. (those are the two alternative living places I have on my wish list). And am dying to get to Argentina!
6. Most interesting person you’ve ever met and why:
Gosh, are we talking about famous people who are interesting, or just someone who hardly anybody knows who’s interesting? Hmmm, out of all the famous ones, I’d probably say Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. Not only a great musician, from the best band EVER, but also a fascinating guy to spend time with. Really really into African culture, and loves going all over the continent.
7. Your motto
Depending on the day:
a. I am a warrior and I will not turn my back on this battlefield.
b. Rather keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re a fool than open it and remove all doubt. (Something I’ve plainly not really adhered to over the years!!!)
8. Please finish. One day I plan to…
GROW UP! (still having problems getting in touch with my inner adult.)
9. When did you last travel overseas and how did it feel to you?
Last year in northern hemisphere summer, to England with twins in tow, for the Chelsea Flower show, and to see family, so it was rather lovely! I think I’ve gotten so used to travelling and living overseas that I don’t really feel all that different wherever I am.
11. Please finish:
a) South Africa made me… Famous for a while! Wouldn’t have been able to do that overseas probably…
b) South Africans are so… gung ho.
c) I wish South Africans would… Let’s qualify that. I wish ALL South Africans would stop being racist.