Home » Snakes in the Studio as Radio Host is (badly) Pranked!

Snakes in the Studio as Radio Host is (badly) Pranked!

Well-known South African morning radio host and King of Pranksters, Darren ‘Whackhead’ Simpson, was heavily pranked this week in Johannesburg! Darren is notorious for his telephone pranks and gags, and is renowned for sometimes going over the top in his efforts to prank his team members at Highveld 94.7. On Wednesday they got him back. […]

Well-known South African morning radio host and King of Pranksters, Darren ‘Whackhead’ Simpson, was heavily pranked this week in Johannesburg!

Breakfast studio
The breakfast studio moments before it all went crazy. Darren sits on the far right.
Darren recovering after the prank
Darren attempts to recover after the prank

Darren is notorious for his telephone pranks and gags, and is renowned for sometimes going over the top in his efforts to prank his team members at Highveld 94.7.

On Wednesday they got him back. His producer, Brad, arranged for a few mighty snakes to visit the studio…which, as you can see in the video, shocked and scared the living daylights out of Darren whose only fear is snakes.

Please be warned – some of the language is seriously bad (and was aired live to breakfast listeners!). Some find the prank hilarious. Some are horrified. See what you think…

 Snakes in the Studio – Part I

“Darren gets the fright of his life. No seriously. There are no words to describe his facial expression. Producer Brad got Darren back SO SO GOOD” – Highveld 94.7

Snakes in the Studio – Park II

“Darren gets the fright of his life. This video does contain swearing and graphic content. By “Graphic Content” we mean “Darren screaming like a lady lady lady”.” – Highveld 94.7