Home » 3 of The Best South African Tributes to Fathers Ever! Give Those Superheroes a Bells!

3 of The Best South African Tributes to Fathers Ever! Give Those Superheroes a Bells!

On Father’s Day we’re celebrating with three of the best tributes ever made in South Africa to awesome fathers… 1. The Graduate Who Thanked Her Security Guard Dad for Putting Her Through University Remember back in May when Thobile Mabanga (Thoby) made headlines tweeting her heartfelt gratitude to her father when she graduated from Tshwane University […]

On Father’s Day we’re celebrating with three of the best tributes ever made in South Africa to awesome fathers…

1. The Graduate Who Thanked Her Security Guard Dad for Putting Her Through University

Remember back in May when Thobile Mabanga (Thoby) made headlines tweeting her heartfelt gratitude to her father when she graduated from Tshwane University of Technology, as a software developer…

Thoby posted a photo of her graduation, standing alongside her proud dad – whom she’d dressed up in her graduation gear (see below) – and said: “My Dad???❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️thank you for taking me to varsity even though you are a security guard ????this is for you. I love you ?”

Today, Thoby tweeted: “Happy Father’s Day to the greatest man in my life??✨????thank God for your life?I don’t even know what to say, I’m grateful for you ??”

Thoby, who comes from Elukwatini, told SAPeople that her “lovely dad’s name is Alfred Mabanga”. Thanks to Mr Mabanga, Thoby is now able to have dreams her father never could.

“I have so many dreams… I’ve registered my own company *deals with IT* and I  also want to own a salon because I’m good with hair. I believe I’m gonna be a great business woman.” Thoby also wants to help kids who are not privileged, similar to the job her mum does with Human Rights.

And, inspired by her father, she wants to better her family’s life “and take the last born at home to varsity when he’s done with high school”.

2. The Script’s ‘Superheroes’, filmed in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg

Irish rock band The Script were so blown away by the “amazing” crowd of South Africans that turned out for them in Johannesburg during their 2011 trip, that they returned to Alexandra township in 2014 to film ‘Superheroes’ – a powerful and moving tribute to both the people of Alexandra and the special fathers (and parents) in this land… and around the world.

The Bell’s South African TV Ad – “The Reader” that was Hailed as better than a Superbowl Commercial

If you haven’t watched this yet, please do… and if you have, you’ll enjoy it again! What a father will do for their child…

