Table Mountain lit up red for the events industry. Photo: A Gorman Photography

Home » PHOTOS: Events Industry Paints the Town Red from Table Mountain to Cape Town’s Stadium

PHOTOS: Events Industry Paints the Town Red from Table Mountain to Cape Town’s Stadium

The events industry lit up South Africa tonight in a sea of red to raise awareness for the artists, musicians, concert promoters and others who have not been able to work or receive any financial benefits for months, because of the strict lockdown regulations. Western Cape photographer Andrew Gorman was in Cape Town to capture […]

Table Mountain lit up red for the events industry. Photo: A Gorman Photography

The events industry lit up South Africa tonight in a sea of red to raise awareness for the artists, musicians, concert promoters and others who have not been able to work or receive any financial benefits for months, because of the strict lockdown regulations. Western Cape photographer Andrew Gorman was in Cape Town to capture the incredible scenes as over 453 buildings nationwide and many more private buildings lit up red in solidarity with the people who usually entertain us and put smiles on our faces…

Andrew said: “#LightSAred saw Cape Town in a sea of red tonight, the mountain, the stadium, the Wheel, and messages projected across buildings and landmarks. Five months with no salary!! This can not go on… #eventphotographer #letsuswork #liveevents”

cape town stadium painted red lightsared

cape town house painted red lightsared cape town painted red lightsared V&A waterfront

cape town painted red lightsared houses

ape town painted red lightsared sign table mountain cape town painted red lightsared

Andrew says: “Today the entertainment and events industry sent a message to Government: please let us get back to work. 5 months without being able to set up a speaker turn a light on or plug a microphone in. Today in a simulcast from Johannesburg and Cape Town the industry sent a strong message out. Cape Town saw artists such as Vicky Sampson, Acoustic Element, Goodluck, Majozi, Tyrone Paulsen, Ready D, come together to get the message out.”

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south africa painted red lightsared 2

For more photos visit A Gorman Photography here.