School Reunion Success Stories
Send us your stories of how you’ve reunited with old friends, school crushes and relatives through SAReunited. Or how you’ve made new friends and contacts on the site. Your story may be published on this page AND used in magazines, TV and radio interviews. Inspire others to join – so we can all find each […]

Send us your stories of how you’ve reunited with old friends, school crushes and relatives through SAReunited. Or how you’ve made new friends and contacts on the site. Your story may be published on this page AND used in magazines, TV and radio interviews. Inspire others to join – so we can all find each other more easily!
Email us your success stories and let us know if you have any photos too.
‘n Baie goeie vriend het my na hierdie webblad verwys. Ek woon tans in Texas, USA, en was baie verbaas om ou vriende van Hoerskool Sentraal, Beaufort Wes se name te sien. Ek gaan hard probeer om nuwe vriende na SAReunited te verwys en hoop om met al my ou skoolvriende kontak te maak. Ek MIS Afrikaans baie en verlang baie na Suid Afrika. Al my familie, kinders en vriende is steeds daar. Dankie vir die puik web.
Juliana een van die “onmoontlike” Stassen Tweeling
I logged in to SAReunited and went through my old schools and remembered so many names, especially at Townsview Primary. I contacted Mandy who I’d lived near to until she left primary school to move north and I contacted Megan who’d been in my same class since primary school. Thanks to SAReunited we’re back in touch AND I met up with them in July when I went to South Africa. It was so great seeing them and they looked the same as 30 years ago!
Julie from Leiria, Portugal
A BIG thank you to SAReunited. I have found my best friend after 21 years! We were neighbours since Grade 1, but we moved out of town when I was 16, and since then I have never seen or spoken to her. I am so happy to be back in touch. She was my only best friend I ever had. I’m back in Johannesburg, but unfortunately she lives in Bronkhorstspruit. We are busy arranging a get together. I cannot wait!
Mariza Labuschagne
In March 2005 I received an sms from SAReunited telling me “I had mail”. The message in my inbox started with “Hi, I wondered if you still remember me…” and was from Alan. In reality I’d had a crush on him since the age of nine! He was the handsome guy next door. I was the shy chubby girl who baked him cookies and did his homework projects while he was out jolling. When he was 17 his family moved to Cape Town and we eventually lost touch. I married briefly…and divorced. Nobody measured up to what my family dubbed “the Alan factor”. So I was flabbergasted when I received the SAReunited email from him. We got chatting and met for coffee in June 2005. He was divorced and still as divine as ever. I’d lost my puppy fat and cut and coloured my hair, so I looked quite different. I wore my necklace that he’d given me 20 odd years before, at our first meeting and he recognised it immediately. From then on we saw or spoke to each other every day…and on 5 November 2005 he asked me to marry him, so at the ripe old age of 40 I married the love of my life! We’re blissfully happywith kids, dogs, birds, a cat, and best of all…each other! Thanks SAReunited.
Tracy Pollastrini
I want to say thank you for reuniting me with my friend. We last saw each other in 1988 when I finished high school in Middledrift Eastern Cape. I registered with SAReunited and we found each other through your site. Thank you so much and keep the good work.
Ndyebokazi Booi
Read more members’ letters: Star Confessions