dog survives mountain lion attack
A video shows a dog surviving a nearly minute-long mountain lion attack. Image: Pexels

Home » Are German Shepherds good with small children?

Are German Shepherds good with small children?

Older German Shepherds might be more suitable as they’ve likely mellowed and could have experience being around children.

01-12-23 12:38
dog survives mountain lion attack
A video shows a dog surviving a nearly minute-long mountain lion attack. Image: Pexels

German Shepherds, despite their initial intimidating appearance, can make fantastic pets and are generally good with children.

These dogs are renowned for their intelligence, reliability, curiosity, and adventurous nature.

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With proper training and treatment from their owners, German Shepherds can also excel as guard dogs.

As with any dog breed, it’s crucial to understand how these loyal animals interact with children and to ensure they are socialized and trained appropriately during their puppyhood.

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Bringing a German Shepherd puppy into a home with preschool-aged children can pose challenges.

It’s suggested to wait until the child is around 5 years old before introducing a puppy.

Despite the misconception that puppies might be easier to train around kids, they can actually be more fragile and prone to injury due to their playful, energetic nature.

They require significant time and training to prevent accidents like jumping, biting, or scratching, which could inadvertently harm the child.

An older German Shepherd might be more suitable as they’ve likely mellowed and could have experience being around children.

For busy parents without adequate time to train a puppy or educate children on proper pet handling, an older dog might be a more practical choice.

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When considering a German Shepherd for a family with children, adopting a child-friendly dog might be the ideal choice.

Seeking a dog that genuinely adores kids, rather than just tolerates them, is essential.

Visiting shelters or speaking with previous owners can offer insight into a dog’s behaviour around children.

Understanding how well a potential adoption gets along with kids is crucial.

The most suitable German Shepherd for a family environment is one that has undergone proper socialization, received ample love and attention, and has been trained in a family-friendly manner.