TUKS Alumni Events in Australia

By SAPeople Contributor 22-02-12 10:47

The University of Pretoria is hosting free events for its former students and their partners in various cities in Australia. See below for details (in English and Afrikaans). TuksAlumni-netwerkfunksies in Australië Alumni van die Universiteit van Pretoria (UP) en hul metgeselle word vriendelik uitgenooi na ‘n netwerk-skemerkelkfunksie in een van die volgende stede in Australië […]

Music Festival

Music fest in SA’s Darling

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:31

The West Coast village of Darling is hosting its annual classical festival in February 2012, but don’t expect a highbrow affair. The Darling Music Experience is shifting perceptions of classical music, giving it a contemporary feel and making the music genre more accessible to a wider audience. South Africa’s Darling The village of Darling, a quirky little […]


By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

  Heil die leser RE: UITNODIGING AS ONDERSTEUNER VAN WACHA LIFE (www.wachalife.com) WACHA LIFE nooi u graag uit om deel te neem aan die “One  on Ten Challenge”. Vir die afgelope agtien maande is die fokus van WACHA – World Association for Child Humanitarian Activists – (WACHA LIFE) – gerig om ondersteuners en vrywilligers vir […]

WACHA LIFE Invitation. We want to make the change

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:31

To whom it may concern RE: INVITATION TO WACHA LIFE (www.wachalife.com) WACHA LIFE would like to extend an invitation to you to join and support our “One on Ten Challenge” and the” Wacha Womens March” 2012. For just over a year and a half, WACHA – World Association for Child Humanitarian Activists – (WACHA LIFE) […]

Kim Cameron

World POS Expert to talk at Positive Event for South African CEOs

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

The world expert on Positive Organisational Scholarship (POS) will be visiting the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) during the last week of January 2012. South African CEO’s and their Executive Teams are invited to attend a one-day national CEO Conference that will be held in Nelson Mandela Bay. POS expert Kim Cameron, who hails from […]

Angelina, Leo & more Stars set to turn Durbs into Celeb City

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio are poised to jet into Durban for the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in three weeks time. They’ll be joined at the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) by a glittering assortment of other celebrities including movie star and fomer Californian governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former US vice-president and active environmental […]

Win cements SA artist’s ingenuity

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

South African fine arts graduate Roelf Daling is this year’s winner of a prestigious national competition that encourages artists to think creatively about using cement as an artistic medium. The Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) Young Concrete Sculptor Awards (YCSA) is a long-standing concrete sculpture event on South Africa’s art calendar. The YCSA has been running for […]

SA shines at Precision Flying Champs

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

Team South Africa put in an impressive performance at the 20th Precision Flying World Championships, recently held in North West province, demonstrating how accurately and safely local pilots can handle aircraft without the aid of modern technology. South Africa came second in the team landing category, with squad member Hans Schwebel being named the runner-up […]

Precision Flying World Champs in SA

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

The 20th Precision Flying World Championships, sponsored by Brand South Africa and currently under way in North West province, will see 14 teams from around the world covering miles of unforgiving terrain to prove their unaided aviation prowess. The international teams, mainly from Europe, arrived in the country on 17 October 2011 for practice and orientation, as […]

Springboks given euphoric send-off

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

The Springboks and thousands of fans brought Sandton to a standstill on 1 September 2011 during a spirited send-off ahead of the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. With the farewell coinciding with the start of the new season, the event was fittingly dubbed SpringBok Day. South Africa’s national rugby team left the country last night […]

Pumping up Bok support for World Cup

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

South Africans have been mobilised to stand behind their beloved Springboks, the national rugby team, as they prepare to do battle in the 2011 Rugby World Cup. The tournament kicks off on 9 September – 23 October 2011. The International Marketing Council of South Africa (IMC) showed its support by endorsing the Lead SA Bok Friday initiative […]

Your 67 Minutes on Mandela Day

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

Thousands of South Africans around the world took up the challenge yesterday to dedicate 67 minutes to doing some good in their communities – on Nelson Mandela International Day. Let us know if you took part – write to admin@sapeople.com (and please attach a photo if possible). My daughter and I registered with Cheese Kids […]

Nelson Mandela's Birthday Photo

Nelson Mandela’s Birthday Photos

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

Check out these great photos by Peter Morey, posted on TwitPic, of our South African icon, Nelson Mandela, celebrating his 93rd birthday with his family around him. Nelson Mandela watches with other family, as great-granddaughter Zamakhosi Obiri and grandson Mbuso Mandela gaze at his cake: The former South African President with members of his family, […]

PTPI Promoting Peace and Diversity in Durban

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

Hillcrest, Durban, has been proud host to the People to People International (PTPI) fourth annual Africa/Middle East Regional Conference over the past few days, spreading the message of Diversity and showcasing South Africa to visitors from various countries, including the PTPI’s President and CEO Mary Jean Eisenhower. Eisenhower is the granddaughter of former American President […]

Kylie and her South African Fans are having a jol!

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

Kylie Minogue has been thrilling South African fans and having a blast herself during her first ever tour of South Africa. Even though Kylie dated South African model Zane (O’Donnell) back in the ’90s, she spent most of her visits lying on the beach at Camps Bay and never actually took to the South African stage. […]

The South African Gospel Singers in London

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

The South African Gospel Singers will be performing at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London on Monday 18th July…making it the perfect evening out to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 93rd birthday (if you happen to be in the UK). The choir, directed by Pinise Saul, is one of the greatest gospel choirs in the world. It […]

Learn the words for ‘Happy Birthday Tata Madiba’

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

No excuses! Wherever you are in the world – learn the words to ‘Happy Birthday Tata Madiba’ and sing along with millions of South Africans at 08h05 am (SA time) on Monday 18th July, former President Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Here are the words, followed by a video… Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you […]

SA Grand Prix Coming to Cape Town?

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

Rumours on the internet are that Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone may be close to signing a deal that would bring back a South African Grand Prix. A South African website has quoted 80-year-old Bernie as saying the race could be back in South Africa within two years, and that a contract is only “weeks […]

Olympic community to gather in South Africa

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:34

Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will converge on the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, for their annual general meeting from 4 to 9 July 2011. This is the first time that the committee meets on African soil.   The meetings taking place at Durban’s International Convention Centre will form part of the 123rd IOC […]

Rosenblatt Recitals welcomes South African bass baritone Vuyani Mlinde

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

Rosenblatt Recitals are London’s only world-class concert season of opera and song and on Tuesday 28th June 2011 the series will welcome South African bass baritone Vuyani Mlinde who received outstanding reviews in the international press in the last few years. On this occasion he will perform songs and arias by composers including Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Respighi, […]

SA brings IRB trophy home

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

It was their first tour abroad, and they did not come home empty-handed. On their way to winning the 2011 International Rugby Board (IRB) Nations Cup, the South African Kings remained undefeated throughout the tournament and ended top of the table with 13 points. Their opening game was an emphatic 31-17 triumph against a tough Georgian […]

Rugby World Cup: back the Boks

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 22:32

As the countdown begins to the Springboks’ first match in the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand in September, South Africans have been called on to rally behind their team’s defence of the title – and there are plenty of ways in which to do so. The Springboks are the current rugby world champions, […]

Take part in 100,000 Photos for Hope

Take part in 100,000 Photos for Hope

By SAPeople 27-02-15 22:32

There’s an amazing one-day photo exhibition and auction coming up on 16th July in South Africa, that’s generating a lot of interest on Facebook…and that each of us, anywhere in the world, can take part in. The one-day event on  – 100,000 Photos for Hope – invites photographers from across South Africa and the world […]

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