Zola Budd and Mary Decker

Zola Budd and Mary Decker Reunite at Fateful Stadium

By SAPeople 08-02-16 14:03

What a gorgeous picture – Zola Budd and Mary Decker at the Los Angeles Coliseum in the USA, 32 years after that fateful race that changed Budd’s life forever. The former South African barefoot runner posted the photo on her facebook page on Sunday, saying: “Mary and me at LA Coliseum after more than 30 years!!! […]

Home Affairs Confirms New Passport Measures are on Track

By SAPeople 06-02-16 19:51

Department of Home Affairs (DHA) Director General Mkuseli Apleni said in a statement yesterday that the DHA is on track with the implementation of those Cabinet concessions on immigration rules which were announced in October 2015. These include an extension of the expiry date of the Parental Consent Affidavit, and the future roll-out of South African passports […]


South Africans Working in Aspen Gather on the Ski Slopes

By SAPeople Staff Writer 30-01-16 11:38

Under the headline “Saffa Day at Snowmass”, a Colorado newspaper snapped 60 South Africans who are working in Aspen during the winter season, with the South African flag draped on the snow in front of them. The Aspen Times said, “A group of roughly 60 South Africans who are working in the area for the […]

Missing Cape Town as #Blizzard2016 Hits USA and Flights Cancelled

By SAPeople 24-01-16 03:11

A South African chef, Bruce Marais – who now lives in the USA – has posted the following videos and photos revealing the extent of the record-breaking Winter Storm Jonas – which some have called Snowzilla – as blizzards and gale-force winds have hit the USA this weekend, causing thousands of flights to be cancelled…including those […]

Why We Are Staying – For The Kids

By SAPeople Contributor 27-12-15 11:31

There’s a weird thing happening in South Africa. Well, to be fair, there’s a lot of weird sh@# going down. But I’d like to focus in on the niche weirdness of white, upper-class parents in SA at this point in time. And their seemingly unchecked yet (in my opinion) unbalanced rhetoric: “We’re really thinking about […]

south africa flags

#ZumaMustFall Petition Gathers Numbers as Expats Are Encouraged to Head Home for the Municipal Elections

By SAPeople 11-12-15 01:14

It’s the straw that appears to have broken the country’s back. South Africans are uniting in their anger over yesterday evening’s sudden removal of finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, by President Jacob Zuma, and are saying #EnoughIsEnough. Supporters of a #ZumaMustFall movement are signing a petition, planning a march and asking  those expats abroad to return home […]

10 Things I Love About Being An Expat in Kuwait

By SAPeople Contributor 21-11-15 16:58

I often get asked the question… “What’s it like living there?” The truth? I find it hard and amazing in equal measures. I could go on about the hard stuff but I won’t. The challenges are not that major to be honest. What makes some things hard is not that they’re bad but rather that they’re different. […]

Cape Town Safer than Paris, At Least So the Stats Say

By NIEL RAMSAY LOUW 20-11-15 15:56

This article is not meant to belittle the horrible events that occurred in Paris on 13 November but to highlight the notion that the winds of change have brought new terrors that should make one rethink traditional conceptions of safety. Eleven-Thirteen (11-13) is another infamous date to be added to 9-11 and 7-7; another senseless act of terror; another deadly […]

Where Will You be Watching the SA vs Wales Quarter-Final Match?

By SAPeople 13-10-15 09:10

There’s a resounding message from South Africans abroad: “Let’s get together this Saturday!” It’s the Rugby World Cup quarterfinal. South Africa vs Wales. At Twickenham. Kicks off at 5pm SA time. Where will you be? We’ve been inundated with messages from expats around the world wanting to know where they can watch the game in […]

Bafana Bafana Gets Home Support from SA Expat in Costa Rica

By SAPeople 08-10-15 20:10

South Africa will have at least one representative in the crowd tonight at the Bafana Bafana match in Costa Rica. She’s South African expat Elizabeth Cubas who’ll be patriotically cheering for her country all the way! “I have been living in Costa Rica for about eight months and loving it here,” she says. “I do miss […]

Home – Wherever That Is…

By SAPeople Contributor 06-10-15 08:51

A few months ago, my host mother in South Africa shared a nugget of wisdom which I found quite profound. She said, “Lydia, sometimes you look and wait for a sign towards something when actually, you’ve already been given the sign, you just missed it because you chose not to see it or it wasn’t what […]

Cameron Van Der ‘Best’ Makes Young Sports Fans’ Day!

By SAPeople 03-10-15 13:32

Two young and eager fans of sports sensation Cameron van der Burgh were bitterly disappointed today to not watch the South African swim in Singapore after hazy conditions caused Saturday’s FINA World Cup finals to be cancelled. They were all dressed up with nowhere to go. But their disappointment soon turned to joy after the swimming star – who won two Golds and […]

Go For It Trevor! You Have the Whole of South Africa Behind You!

By SAPeople 29-09-15 09:01

Congratulatory messages of pride and support have been pouring in for Trevor Noah from his fellow South Africans all over the planet…as television viewers in America, and parts of the world, get ready for the South African comedian’s debut on Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show’ in a few hours’ time. Whilst Trevor will be alone in that […]

Elon Musk – “South Africa was Quite a Violent Place”

By SAPeople 27-04-22 19:43

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has revealed to Vogue magazine that he was bullied at school whilst growing up in South Africa. In an article headed “Elon Musk Wants to Change How (and Where) Humans Live”, Musk – who went to school in Johannesburg and Pretoria – says that the bullying was so bad that there was […]

Government Says 2,000 Have Lost Citizenship in 4 Years

By SAPeople 22-09-15 18:11

At least 2,000 South Africans have lost their citizenship since 2010 after becoming the citizens of other countries, the Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, said on Monday. In reply to a question from the Democratic Alliance in parliament, Gigaba said about 500 South Africans a year had lost their citizenship in the past four years. He […]

So What Do South Africans Overseas Miss Most?

By SAPeople Contributor 18-09-15 16:25

Braaivleis, bokke fans, free toilets and thunderstorms. These are a few of the things that South Africans abroad miss most according to a fun new list on Matador Network. The list – 19 things South Africans miss most when they’re abroad – was compiled by South African blogger Caroline van Looy. Take a look and then let us know if […]

South African expat missing home

The Anxious Expat Who Really Missed Home

By THE SWEDISH AFRICAN 16-09-15 12:06

I used to think anxiety and depression were all a load of hogwash, those things cray-cray, pill-popping people go through; until, quite suddenly, I woke up as an expat living abroad and didn’t feel at all myself. It started with a panic attack in the middle of the night, when I was woken up by […]

Email Suggests Cabinet May Discuss Dual Citizenship After All

By SAPeople Contributor 14-09-15 17:27

After Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba reassured the media and public last week on Thursday that a review of dual citizenship is not on the cards, it has been revealed today that the government is gathering statistics on South Africans with dual citizenship. A message sent to South Africans in the Philippines this morning, from the […]

Alternative Options to Using the South African Post Office

By SAPeople 13-09-15 16:07

While the South African Post Office (SAPO) is seemingly on the road to recovery with major re-engineering initiatives for “the sole benefit of its customers”, a newly launched corporate strategy, new board of non-executive directors and the search for a new CEO after the recently announced “mutual termination” with the Group CEO Christopher Hlekane – there are still […]

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