Gayton McKenzie- Patriotic Alliance ANC coalition
PA leader Gayton McKenzie. Photo source Facebook @Gayton McKenzie

Home » Gayton McKenzie to run for Western Cape Premier

Gayton McKenzie to run for Western Cape Premier

PA leader, Gayton McKenzie has announced his intention to run for Premier of the Western Cape in the general elections.

28-02-24 13:36
Gayton McKenzie- Patriotic Alliance ANC coalition
PA leader Gayton McKenzie. Photo source Facebook @Gayton McKenzie

Patriotic Alliance (PA) leader and former mayor of the Central Karoo District, Gayton McKenzie, has announced his intention to stand as Premier for Western Cape in the upcoming general elections.

In a statement confirming the announcement, the party said a meeting in George this past weekend concluded that McKenzie should represent the party as its premier candidate in the province.


“At a meeting of the Patriotic Alliance National Executive Committee in George in the Western Cape this past weekend, it was agreed that the PA leader Gayton McKenzie will stand in as the party’s premier candidate for the Western Cape.”

“Our leader has already distinguished himself in the province as the executive mayor of the Central Karoo and has a bold vision for governing the Western Cape, which has become a stronghold for the PA, as demonstrated by the recent by-election wins in the province,” the party said.


The Independent Online said that as the PA’s leader, McKenzie will simultaneously stand as the PA’s presidential candidate if the PA can enter into a national coalition after the 29 May elections.

“That possibility will be explored, but leader McKenzie has committed himself to lead the Western Cape, as it is now clear that the province will be severely hung and the PA is likely to emerge as a kingmaker, including Gauteng, which being contested by the PA deputy president, Kenny Kunene,” the party said.

McKenzie said on social media: “On Baiza Nie has deployed me to what many deem as mission impossible, removing the DA from the Western Cape. We are about to expose that myth. I graciously accepted the assignment also to be the premier candidate of the Western Cape. ‘Die ding kom ruk.”