Africa Stop Ebola – in song

By SAPeople Contributor 27-02-15 19:32

African music, Nelson Mandela once said, is about the aspirations of Africa. “The curious beauty of African music is that it uplifts even as it tells a sad tale. You may be poor, you may have only a ramshackle house, you may have lost your job, but that song gives you hope.” A collection of […]


SA team develops HIV monitoring tool

By SAPeople Contributor 29-09-14 12:15

A software application developed by the University of Cape Town to monitor patients on treatment for HIV and TB treatment is being implemented by countries such as Mozambique, Malawi, Vietnam and Pakistan. The electronic register, developed by UCT’s Centre for Infectious Disease, Epidemiology and Research (CIDER), is already in use in 3½000 clinics in South […]

World deaf congress comes to SA

By SAPeople Contributor 31-05-11 17:44

The Deaf Federation of South Africa (Deafsa) will host two international events in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal in July 2011. The 16th World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, as well as the fifth International World Federation of the Deaf Youth Camp, take place for the first time on African soil. The World Congress of the World Federation […]


By max tomlinson 13-09-15 14:55

Pure foods solution Beat the bugs, including colds and flu’s, by eating pure, natural foods rich in immune boosting vitamin C and the antioxidants selenium, zinc and vitamin E. What is the immune system? Your wonderful immune system is your protection against anything that poses a threat to your body. The list ranges from bacteria […]

Abdominal bloating

By max tomlinson 13-09-15 14:55

Pure foods solution Get rid of all refined sugars and potential food allergens What is bloating? There is a lot of confusion surrounding the term abdominal bloating. It does not mean water retention or fat on the belly.  Bloating indicates a digestive problem and the symptoms are a distended, lower abdomen, griping and flatulence. It […]

Health: Heart Disease – causes and remedies

By max tomlinson 13-09-15 14:55

What is Heart Disease? Heart disease doesn’t just involve the heart but the whole circulatory system. This includes  the arteries and veins which respectively, carry blood to and away from the heart. The three principles of heart disease are: 1. Thicker blood containing clots. 2. Atherosclerosis; the blocking of the arteries with a deposit called […]

The Key to Inner Calm and Dynamic Action

By max tomlinson 13-09-15 14:55

Meditation Meditation is not about stopping your thoughts and sitting in silence. The mind is always active, producing thoughts and feelings constantly. Meditation is about watching your thoughts without getting involved in them. I see meditation as like being in the ‘cinema of the mind’. When you close your eyes the dark space in front […]

Get the Most out of your Twenties

By SAPeople 13-09-15 14:55

Max Tomlinson helps you to focus on ways to maximise your new-found energy to look and feel fabulous. We start this series in your 20’s. The twenties are an age when people develop a sense of who they are and what they want.  But that can create anxiety.  The answer is to take time to […]

Swine Flu a Faked Pandemic?

By SAPeople 13-09-15 14:55

Here’s an article about the swine-flu pandemic that’s worth reading. It’s been translated into English from the Danish ‘Information’ website: Faked pandemic By Louise Voller, Kristian Villesen December 27. 2009 ”We have had a mild flu – and a false pandemic,” says Wolfgang Wodarg, the chair of the Health Committee in The European Council. The […]

Time to Detox!

By SAPeople 13-09-15 14:55

It’s definitely a good time to detox now, now that that mad post-January 1st “I’m-giving-up-everything” moment has passed… Why do we need to detox? Detox, a wonderful ancient naturopathic term, has become an overused ‘buzz word’, the darling of the glossy magazines and the icon of a new form of preventative medicine. It is a […]

What can I do to protect against Swine Flu?

By SAPeople 13-09-15 14:55

Take what really works: 1. Bioforce Echinaforce liquid – 30 drops in a little water three times a day. Hold it in the mouth, gargle for 30 seconds and swallow. Most big health food stores stock. If you’re in the UK – you can call Bioforce UK on 01294 277 344. For information worldwide go […]

Next time you get a Bad Cold

By SAPeople 24-10-09 07:59

During a lecture on Essential Oils, they told us how the foot soles can absorb oils. Their example: Put garlic on your feet and within 20 minutes you can ‘taste’ it. Some of us have used Vicks Vaporub for years for everything from chapped lips to sore toes and many body parts in between. But […]

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