Kill the Trade that Kills the Elephant

Kill the Trade that Kills the Elephant

By SAPeople Contributor 27-05-15 19:05

WWF Supporters Visit the Frontline with Interactive  AFRICAM.COM snapshot experience Poaching and illegal wildlife trade are an extremely dangerous threat to rhinos, elephants and tigers and to combat this crisis WWF has launched a global campaign to bring awareness to the issue. During the month of October, WWF will be partnering with Africam to spread the #killthetrade message […]

Giving rhinos a voice through art

By SAPeople Contributor 21-11-20 17:32

Through her conscious art background, Cape Town-based artist Nix Davies is doing her bit to help fight the current plight of South Africa’s rhino population, which continues to drop in large numbers because of rampant poaching. Crash of Rhinoceros is an initiative started by Davies that aims to create awareness about rhino poaching and the […]

Floral wealth in caring hands

By SAPeople Contributor 27-05-15 19:05

A South African fynbos conservationist has taken the lead to establish Cape Town’s first ever public-private environmental stewardship programme to preserve the country’s valuable fynbos heritage. Fynbos is a term given to a collection of plants, mainly shrubs, which form part of the Cape Floral Kingdom. This is the smallest of the world’s six floral […]

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